Safeguarding is the responsibility of every adult, whatever their role. However, in order to take all practical steps to best safeguard everyone within the parkrun community, parkrun has established an internal Safeguarding Team, which is directly responsible for ensuring the development, implementation and monitoring of safeguarding policies, procedures and guidance, and from whom support can be gained.
The parkrun Safeguarding Team can be contacted via
The team is currently comprised of:
- Clare Fowler, Safeguarding Lead (Global)
- Helen Dickens, Head of People & Culture (Global)
- Emily Lenderyou, People and Culture Co-ordinator (UK)
- Charlotte Gage, Safeguarding Officer (UK)
- All operational Territory Leads
The Safeguarding Team reviews every reported safeguarding incident as they are reported, and carries out a quarterly review of all safeguarding incidents. The findings of the quarterly reviews inform parkrun operating policies and procedures around the world.